Joseph Pennyfather

Binding Authorities Line Underwriter
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Joseph Pennyfather

About Joseph

I am the Binding Authorities Line Underwriter. I underwrite both residential and commercial throughout the USA, predominantly via binding authority contracts. Our aim is to optimise our portfolio whilst growing profitably and providing a sought after product to our customers throughout the U.S. I joined Hiscox in Nov 2021 after spending my previous 13 years at Tokio Marine Kiln. Here I was an underwriter on the US property team working across a range of classes including, residential, commercial and lender placed business, with perils ranging from wind to flood to quake. In between underwriting the large binding authority book, I also participated on open market risks. Prior to TMK I started my insurance career at Aviva where I spent 2 years before moving into the London Market. I hold the Advanced Diploma in Insurance (ACII) qualification.

In my spare time I enjoy keeping fit, eating good food and travelling. I am also a lifelong Arsenal fan.

Property Binding Authorities

Commercial properties face a wide range of risks from natural threats such as wind or earthquake. Without adequate protection, the damage can be crippling. Household insurance from Hiscox London Market. Prompt, comprehensive and innovative underwriting solutions for condo’s, mid, regular and high value homes.

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Featured insights

US in the eye of two storms

Hurricane season has begun while the US still grapples with COVID-19. There are fears about how it will cope with both and what that means for homeowners.

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